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First timers in Sydney - looking for some drinking buddies

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Hey everyone,


my girlfriend and I land in Sydney tomorrow evening for the beginning of our new adventure. I landed a job in the CBD for a contract between 2 and 4 years, but neither of us have been to Sydney before so it's a bit of a jump in the deep end. Nevertheless it's happening now and we were hoping to find out if there are any people on the site that fancy meeting up for drinks over the next few weeks to help ease us into Sydney life?


I am 25 and my girlfriend is 26, we are both originally from London and will be living in Manly. I will however be working in the city so anywhere in Sydney for socialising will be good with us, just the chance to meet some other people in a similar situation will be a great help to both of us.


If anyone fancies it, or knows of a similar thread/forum etc I should look at for meeting up with people let me know,


Thanks :)

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Welcome to Sydney (for when you arrive), honestly you'll love it out here. I'm good to meet for a drink, I've met quite a few people off this site and made some good friends. See if we can get a few of us together for a night out, i'm 27 and a lot of the girls and guys I've met range from 25-29. I'm also originally from London, where abouts are you from back in the UK?

Drop me a pm and i'll give you my fb details.



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Hey everyone,


my girlfriend and I land in Sydney tomorrow evening for the beginning of our new adventure. I landed a job in the CBD for a contract between 2 and 4 years, but neither of us have been to Sydney before so it's a bit of a jump in the deep end. Nevertheless it's happening now and we were hoping to find out if there are any people on the site that fancy meeting up for drinks over the next few weeks to help ease us into Sydney life?


I am 25 and my girlfriend is 26, we are both originally from London and will be living in Manly. I will however be working in the city so anywhere in Sydney for socialising will be good with us, just the chance to meet some other people in a similar situation will be a great help to both of us.


If anyone fancies it, or knows of a similar thread/forum etc I should look at for meeting up with people let me know,


Thanks :)




I moved over to Sydney from the UK with my wife about 6 months ago. We are really enjoying life over here but it is always good to meet a few more people. We'd be up for grabbing a drink (and can pass on any tips we've picked up over the last 6 months!)


We're both 26 and living and working in the CBD but happy to meet wherever. Feel free to drop me a message once you guys are settled.




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Hey guys,


I'm also interested in meeting up for some drinks. I'm a Brit, 26, called Liv (short for Olivia). I am moving to Sydney on 18th April and would love to arrive to already have something sociable arranged! I don't have anyone i know in Sydney so am working on it through friends who have friends out there and sites like this! Let me know if you're keen to meet. I will hopefully be living in Bondi and my work is in North Sydney.

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Hi there,


We have been in Sydney about 5 months now -we are 27 & 30 and moved here without knowing anyone. always god to meet new people would be great to meet up with some like-minded people for drinks etc.

We are currently living in neutral bay and happy to meet in and around sydney if you fancy it?


Lyndsey & Raf

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Hey Eat Static,


welcome to Sydney!


ive been here a week, 29, just moved from London and am working at The Rocks in the CBD. Congratulations on the best decision you'll ever make ;)


I'm keen for some drinks if you're still arranging...got a couple of other Brit mates here too who might also be keen.


let me know your plans, but can generally do most nights bar Friday and occasionally Wednesday



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I moved from the UK to Sydney about a month ago - I just started my new job in Darling Harbour and i love Sydney already- would be very happy to meet you and your girlfriend in the next coming weeks though! Dont know too many people here yet!



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Hey Guys


Ive been in Sydney just over 2 weeks and just started working in Ultimo Im currently still living in a hostel in Kings Cross as I came alone and dont really know anyone in the city so would be good to hangout with other people around my age, 25. Im here for 12 months but will stay longer if the possibility arises.



and maybe we can arrange a night out.



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Hey all, had the pleasure of meeting Eat Static on Tues and had a great evening, seems like quite a few people are keen to meet up, maybe we should arrange a big get together?


search up exactly daniel.bown.9 on fb and that will be me :-)


Welcome to Sydney.

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Hey guys,


Wow havnt been on the site for a couple of days and well chuffed with the responses to the thread :) As Chillers (Dan) said, will be awesome to get a big get together organised next weekend or something?


Thanks everyone,

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, welcome to Manly! Me and my boyfriend (both 26) moved here in February from Manchester. We are living in Manly and both working in the city. We're here with my sister and her boyfriend, so all sharing a 2 bedroom flat at the moment which is good. We're up for meeting if you're still looking for people to socialise with.


Let me know and I hope you're enjoying Sydney :)


Lydia and Mike

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I came over in March from Wigan on a partner visa to be with my Aussie girlfriend, unfortunately that has meant that I pretty much don't know anyone apart from her friends and family. Can't say I have met one single Brit since I have been here. Loving Sydney but miss talking to Brits. Currently living down in Cronulla, and need an excuse to come to the city more.

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A nice long sunny bank holiday weekend coming up guys! Anybody fancy getting together for a few beers somewhere in the city at some point and meeting up? Aussie partners welcome too of course!


Im a pom here on my own and have been a few months but work arent the most social of groups so wuld be nice to meet a few others!

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Just seen this thread .. wow, there's loads of us around the same age in Sydney :)


I reckon a big meetup is in order!


I'm 27, moved out here in January by myself and loving it so far. I'm working in the CBD and living North Shore. Would love to meet some of you and quite open to suggestions and areas etc.

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There is a handful of us going out tonight, all from poms in oz, a lot of us have met up before. They are going to Chinese Laundry, unfortunately our names are down on a guest list and it may be hard for other peeps to get in. Looking at possibly doing a beach day tomorrow though :-)

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